.:M|y| |B|l|u|e| |Z|o|n|e:.

Friday, May 31, 2002

.:ATP:..:Adenosine Triphosphate:.

Organic compound, substrate in many enzyme-catalyzed reactions (see catalysis) in the cells of animals, plants, and microorganisms. ATP's chemical bonds (see bonding) store a large amount of chemical energy. ATP therefore functions as the carrier of chemical energy from energy-yielding oxidation (see oxidation-reduction) of food to energy-demanding cellular processes. Three such processes of metabolism are sources of ATP and stored energy: fermentation, the tricarboxylic acid cycle, and cellular respiration (also called oxidative phosphorylation). All form ATP from adenosine monophosphate (AMP) or adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and inorganic phosphate. When the reaction goes in the other direction, ATP is broken down to ADP or AMP and phosphate and the energy is used to perform chemical, electrical, or osmotic work for the cell.

ATP...satu tajuk yang paling perlu banyak paham dan ingat...termasuk dalam subjek Kimia Biologi.Terpikir jugak apesal laa budak engineering kena belajar benda nie???

Selamat bermu'tamar kepada semua warga jamaah yang bermula hari ini.

Ada satu perkataan lagi


Mengawal nafsu daripada perkara-perkara yang haram dan syubhah, supaya ianya terdidik ke arah melaksanakan perkara-perkara yang ma'ruf serta sentiasa tunduk kepada petunjuk akal dan syara'.Sifat-sifat malu,sopan, sabar, berdisiplin dan beberapa sifat lagi termasuk dalam kategori IFFAH

Wednesday, May 29, 2002


Branch of spectroscopy dealing with measurement of radiant energy transmitted or reflected by a body as a function of wavelength. The measurement is usually expressed as compared to that transmitted or reflected by a system that serves as a standard. Different types of spectrophotometers cover wide ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum: ultraviolet (UV), visible light, infrared (IR), or microwave. UV spectrophotometry is particularly useful in detecting and quantifying colorless substances in solution. IR spectrophotometry is used mostly to study the molecular structures of complex organic compounds. See also colorimetry.

IR nie biasanya mesti buat sekali ngan NMR, tapi takle sepenin NMR.

Alhamdulillah, baru-baru nie sapa yang ingat, maka dia akan mengingati Rasulullah sempena keputeraan baginda pada 25 Mei lepas.Mungkin ada yang baca Quran, baca sirah Rasulullah......................dan tak kurang jugak yang pergi main bowling,pegi memancing.....

Antara adab-adab kita dengan Rasulullah adalah dengan mengikuti segala perintahnya dan meninggalkan larangannya, mengikuti semua sunnahnya, dan juga mencontohi akhlak Rasulullah.Jadi sempena keputeraan Rasulullah pada tahun ini, jom kita berazam untuk berakhlak dengan akhlak Rasulullah.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

.:NMR:..:Nuclear Magnetic Resonance:.

Selective absorption of very high-frequency radio waves by certain atomic nuclei subjected to a strong stationary magnetic field. Nuclei that have at least one unpaired proton or neutron act like tiny magnets. When a strong magnetic field acts on such nuclei, it sets them into precession. When the natural frequency of the precessing nuclear magnets corresponds to the frequency of a weak external radio wave striking the material, energy is absorbed by the nuclei at a frequency called the resonant frequency. NMR is used to study the molecular structure of various solids and liquids. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, is a version of NMR used in medicine to view soft tissues of the human body in a hazard-free, noninvasive way.

Assalamualaikum wrt,

Nie adalah weblog baru, harap-harap dapat laa teruskan.NMR, tajuk nielah yang buatkan kepala aku penin 2-3 hari nie.Dah la semua eksperimen ada guna benda alah nie.Doakanlah semoga dapat memahaminya dengan baik.